Our main specialty is the cultivation and use of bamboo. Bamboo is an important group of plants whose special characteristics are becoming more familiar to garden owners around Europe and abroad. Bamboo is an evergreen grass with over thousand species world wide, of which about 400 are suitable for our North European temperate climate, varying in height of barely 30 cm to more than 10 meters. Bamboo is becoming popular in today's landscape architecture because of the qualities: evergreen, hardy, stylistic, creating its own atmosphere, tolerant towards different kinds of soil and flexible habitat and low maintenance.
After years of observation and exchange of experience with bamboo specialists worldwide we select the best species for landscaping purposes, including many clumping (non-invasive) bamboos. We pay attention to a healthy growth form and structure, color and winter tolerance.
Despite that bamboo naturally (no longer) occurs on the European continent since the last ice age, still plenty of species from cool climate regions elsewhere around the world feel at home in Northern Europe. Unfortunately many garden centers still offer a limited range of usually a handful of species most of which are less hardy like Phyllostachys aurea or are unhealthy inbreed plants like Fargesia murieliae 'Simba', 'Jumbo', ' Bimbo’ etc. We skipped these species and focus on growing more healthy and vigorous species, often from botanical origin. We have divided our bamboo collection into different practical applications to make it more easy to make a good choice. Important characteristics for landscaping with bamboos are the degree of hardiness, size, behavior of the leaves during winter, their growth form (upwards, fountain-shaped umbrella-shaped) and the growth behavior of the root system (clumping, moderately spreading or running).
To get an impression which species fit best with your practical application, we have listed the best species in the next web-pages with the most suitable species for smaller, dense hedges to about 3 m high. Types for higher and wider hedges between 3-8 m, the best types to use rooftop and terrace gardens, the most appropriate species to use as solitary bamboo, grove species and finally the best ground covers and species for public green areas.
Bamboo has a reputation for being fast growing. Two things are often confused. On the one hand there is the development of a young specimen to a mature plant. This may take 4 to 10+ years, depending on the starting size, type and growing conditions. The new culms of Fargesia are on average 30 to 50 cm higher compared with the previous year. A Phyllostachys can easily increase +100 cm height per year. The growth of new culms itself is spectacular fast. Once the new shoots in spring show their noses above the ground the growth process starts. These new shoots slide within a few weeks, as the antenna of a car, to their final height. For large bamboo species, a new culm grows up to over 10 meters in a period of 6-8 weeks. Then the new culms begin to develop branches and leaves. In the adult stage the growth speeds slows down.
In our showgarden you can see hundreds of bamboos from large to small and solitary to hedge. By seeing the plants in reality, feeling their canopy and culms and hearing the sound of whispering leaves you can get a better idea of the species you prefer. Together with our expert advice a reliable choice for your application can be made. You can select the disired plant in different sizes right away from our available stock.
The most hardy species can be planted all year round, except for persistent frost or during hot, dry periods. The most suitable planting season is between March and November. For the more sensitive species mid-spring to early summer is preferred so the plants can already make a strong root system before the first winter.
Year round bamboos are available, from small plants in pots to large sizes (up to 6 m) in container and with rootball. Both single individual plants as wel as large, uniform quantities can be supplied for planting projects. Invasive species can be controlled with special bamboo root barrier. This material is available in various sizes at the nursery. For more info about sizes and shipment check out our web-shop for accessoires.